What is Project Thrive?

It’s a series of novels, games, and concept albums with multiple storylines that will converge in unexpected ways as we explore a vast connected universe.

Some stories will be set on present-day Earth and others are set on distant planets in the future.

All stories will cover various time periods and will not release chronologically.

Who is working on this project?

Right now, it’s just myself and my brother Josiah. We each specialize in different areas, but we’re working together to wrangle these stories into something enjoyable.

Join us as we work on Project Thrive!

Follow the journey. Go behind the scenes to see the hard work that it takes and be inspired to work on your own creative projects along with us. 

Read the stories. We’ll post excerpts of the stories as we get closer to release dates. Let us know what’s working and what’s not. See the full list of projects below (organized by section).




  • Short Story #1: The Ark
  • Short Story #2: Killing Hanrue
  • Short Story #3: Murder


  • Untitled Short Story #4
  • Hostile Shadows


  • Anna
  • The Fires of Darkness
  • Darkness
  • Casey Shroy
  • Untitled Darkness/Casey Shroy Sequel



  • Havens