by Esther Velez (May 2014)

We’ve never seen the stars,
only towering illuminated buildings
cutting through the dark horizon,
and cell phone towers blinking red and white.
We’ve made our own stars.

We’ve never seen God,
only broken people, staggering,
fighting for peace, a light in the dark,
and the need for an answer, a reason for hope.
We’ve made our own gods.

But I believe you will find me
More than anyone you will find me
I believe you are listening
More than anyone you are listening

I have seen the stars
Blinking in and out behind clouds
as they illuminate the hills,
and cutting through the dark horizon.
I have seen the stars.

I have seen God,
Not a man, but His hand on his sheep,
Stretching over my life, changing,
And the lives of those who seek, reshaping
I have seen God.

And I believe You will find me
More than anyone You will find me
I believe You are listening
More than anyone You are listening

I have seen God.